- Page 2: Archived Essays
The Perfect Storm
Reaching for the Moon
Should Christians Tithe?
Loving God - and Our Neighbors
Whose Traditions?
The Future of the Church
TV Or Not TV?
Homeland Insecurity
Made In Hell
We Will Live To Regret It
I'd Like My Republic Back, Please
Trust Bush on Iran?
Our Slumbering Churches
How Bush Survives
Alive and Well
Please Don't Call Me an Evangelical!
The Great
Reestablishing a Christian Culture
Election 2004: A
the Right Went Wrong
Bush on Sodomy: Getting It Straight
The Folly of Modern Science
No More Excuses!
Adventures in Abyssinia
On Voting for Michael Peroutka
Pox On Both Their Houses!
Pro-War Hypocrisy
Of RINOs, DINOs, and CINOs
George Bush on Sodomy
Faith & Politics
America's Crisis of Fidelity
Confessions of a Limping Theologian
The Great Evangelical Heresy
Sides of the Same Coin
If Kerry Was President
Is the Church Radical Enough?
Got Lettuce?
The Intolerance Hall of Fame
A Daily
Judging Riders - and Politicians
Be a One-Issue Voter!
The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved
No Tactics of Accommodation
Why You Should Vote for Peroutka
The God of Hope
Smart or Sassy?
To Whom Shall We
A Place at the Table
Outside the Camp
Republican Platform Ignores God
Needed: Pastor-Theologians
A Government Agency
That Works
Our Nation's Watchmen
The Politics of Guilt
Remembering September 11
Why Bush Frightens
Our National
My Horse, My Friend
More Scare Tactics?
Miller Time
Is Conservatism?
Whose World Is It?
Quo Vadis,
Goldwater's Heirs?
The Next Church
Nothing But A
Our Jealous
Abortion and
the Judicial Imperium
The Most Important Thing
Sobran or Peroutka?
- Bob Strodtbeck decides to go with the
Constitution Party.
Ron Paul is
- As usual.
What can we do?
- Let's start by praying for the nation.
- Never!
Lord of the voting booth
- Or not Lord at all.
If at
first you don't secede
- Try, try again.
Christ or
- The choice is ours, says Dave Black.
Where the right went wrong
- Darrell Dow reviews Pat Buchanan's
latest book.
Merely inconsistent?
- Or spiritually dead?
There was no surrender at Appomattox
- Only the death of a republic.
The banality of the American electorate
- Not to mention its arrogance and
Incurable infracaninophiles
- Dave Black isn't the only one, either.
The biggest
- The federal government, who else?
How America "helps" Israel
- Sometimes the medicine is worse than the
Vote Veterans for Bush"
- Join today and avoid the issues.
Our "education" president
- He could learn a few things about the
Sound bites and media handlers
- Dave Black on the Limbaughing of
Politics is the art of the possible
- Really? How about the "art of the ought"?
Bush to America: "I don't need to explain"
- Oh yes you do.
Mighty propaganda choir
- That "objective" coverage of election
Our imperialistic highway
- Darrel Dow is looking for an off-ramp.
Thumbing one's nose at God
- A Christian perspective on
homosexuality. Article by John Leone.
Can the right be anti-war?
- Pieter Friedrich thinks so.
Church for the entire family
- A radical, but biblical, idea.
Talk radio buffoons
- We have become Hannitized, says Bob
Culture of death
- America is modern-day Rome, maybe worse.
Faith based folly
- Christians don't need federal welfare,
says Michael Peroutka.
My father's daughter
- When a girl becomes a young lady.
Ron Reagan's stem
cell utopia
- Bob Strodtbeck on yet another euphoric
promise of government.
The real terror
- It's the Patriot Act, says Vince Page.
Bush and abortion
- Darrell Dow on our "pro-life" president.
Surprise me, Dr. Dobson!
- And vote for the Peroutka-Baldwin
Those predictable Republicans
- Votes for Republicans are wasted.
To homeschool or not to homeschool?
- Why John Notgrass plans to train his
children at home.
Why I stopped listening to Rush
- John Leone reviews Dave's latest book.
Immigration as class warfare
- As well as unbridled insanity.
Women in combat
- A theological heresy?
Give to
the GOP?
- Sure, if you want Big Brother to get
even bigger.
The real problem with the Federal Marriage Amendment
- It increases the power of government.
The battered wife syndrome of the religious right
- John Leone on the sad tide of political
Don't add amendments
- Repeal them, says Darrell Dow.
- Bonnie Blue Ball, anyone?
Pied Piper Republicans
- Karl Hofmann has had enough of
Republican group think.
Christianity hijacked
- John Leone on his spiritual pilgrimage.
Chuck Baldwin
- Read his VP acceptance speech.
What's wrong with the pro-life
- It ignores the legal limits imposed on
federal authorities by the Constitution.
Christians and government
- How allegiance to a false god is
destroying America.
Is America becoming fascist?
- Matthew Gamel thinks so.
On rhetoric and hubris
- Bush is no Churchill, says Bob
Three questions about abortion
- Defeating liberalism's slippery
Look who's intolerant!
- Pieter Friedrich has a new "hall of
'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves...
- The New Right's jabberwocky.
Talk radio follies
- Bob Strodtbeck on our "conservative"
That irrelevant Constitution
- It just keeps getting in the way of
America's warped view of tragedy
- John Leone on the nation's true
Our bleeding country
- And the men who would lift it up.
GOP 2012
- The infinite tent party.
Not everyone has surrendered
- Not yet at least.
A pox on both their houses!
- And on any other corrupt, perverted,
dysfunctional political organization.
Diagnosis of a Kulturkampf
- The role of government schools in a
godless society.
A letter to family and friends
- Why you should vote for Michael
The Constitution Party
- The real alternative.
No king but King Jesus!
- Evidences of Christian faith in American
screen of the Scriptures
- Thoughts on removing our
children from public school.
No mistakes by Bush?
- Dave Black may have found some.
The great omission in the Great Commission
- Where are the pastor-teachers?
Pro-war hypocrisy
- Lee Shelton on blind support for war,
when your party is in control.
No more excuses!
- Why you should vote for Peroutka over
Time for a new American revolution?
- Dave Black thinks so.
The trinity strategy
- Lapping Nader while tripping Bush. Essay
by Mark Dankof.
Chicken love
- With breeder houses, it's almost a thing
of the past.
The truth about terrorism
- What the president didn't say in
his speech.
It's time for regime change
- And not just in Iraq, says Dave Black.
States' rights
- Jeff Adams on the significance of the
17th Amendment.
On to Valley Forge!
- The second American revolution is about
to begin.
Keeping things in perspective
- Iraq pales with the American holocaust,
says Lee Shelton.
Since we're giving sovereignty to Iraqis
- How about a little for Americans?
The law of the land
- Are we above it?
Do we deserve it?
- Chad Harris on Hollywood's attack on
Mother's Day reflections
- What moms really want on their special
Who is to blame for the prisoner abuse?
- Our elected officials in Washington, of
If Kerry was president
- He'd act just like George W. Bush, says
John Notgrass.
The dynamic duo are coming to St. Louis
- You can even meet them on March 18.
- And CINOS.
Republicans Anonymous
- A 12-step program for recovering
Public education
- And why it should be de-funded.
The president has faith
- But the Constitution still matters, says
Dave Black.
Voting as a Christian
- Jeff Adams on Decision 2004.
The great compromise
- Bush v. Peroutka on abortion.
Lincoln's Party
- Still no friend of the South. Article by
Lee Shelton.
Chuck Baldwin
- The right man for the job.
The federal marriage amendment
- Cure-all or band-aid?
Conservative, conshmervative
- Matthew Gamel has had enough of
Children, a distraction in
- Jesus didn't think so.
Bush on sodomy
- The true record.
Keep on shining the light
- Only truth can change lives, says Dave
Michael Peroutka
- The best alternative to Kerry/Bush.
Article by Mark Dankof.
The revival of paganism
- The Passion and Troy as
The problem of the church
- It's ignorance coupled with disobedience, says
Matthew Gamel.
Feeling a draft?
- Dave Black is.
Time for a new Barmen Declaration?
- Mark Dankof thinks so.
The America I love
- She's still alive - just barely.
The Pledge is still a bad idea
- With or without "under God."
American socialism?
- Matthew Gamel thinks it exists.
It's time to testify, Condi
- An open letter to Condoleezza Rice.
Need a Swedish lesson?
- Mike Scruggs has one of grave
Gay marriage
- Only one political party gets it right.
Blessed are the bureaucrats?
- One Christian's case against George
Europe crosses the Rubicon
- Iraq was the wrong war at the wrong time
for the wrong reasons.
Unalienable rights?
- Dave Black on yet another intrusion into
our liberties.
The Unpatriot Act
- The battle has just begun, says Ron
"Glaring errors"
- Samuele Bacchiocci reviews 'The
Massed exodus?
- Citizen-soldiers are fed up.
Bush's "faith-based" intelligence
- Not since Vietnam have we seen such
wishful thinking, says Dave Black.
Disarming Iraq
- Read an excerpt from Blix's new book.
much time is left?
- Dennis Wheeler on our nation of slaves.
Remembering September 11
- Dave Black celebrates an anniversary.
The federal marriage amendment
- Matthew Gamel asks, What's the point?
Wives like Sarah
- And the husbands who honor them.
She shall be called woman
- Carolyn Mahaney on true beauty.
or planted?
- Christians must recover their prophetic
The Christian as citizen
- Dave Black on being salt, light, and
Our 'all-caring' government
- When the state redefines man. Article by
James Schall.
Where's Luther when we need him?
- Kelly McGinley on Gibson's 'Passion.'
An ordinary man who knew what was right
- A review of 'Luther.'
The true patriot
- Dave Black describes him.
Patriotism and nationalism
- There's a (new) world (order) of
difference between them.
The blessing of wiping out
- A lesson from big waving riding.
Paul's thorn in the flesh
- And ours.
Cracked pots
- Why God prefers to use them.
In praise of 'Seabiscuit'
- What my horses have taught me.
The real lesson of
Christ's passion
- Christ and nothing.
What hath Geneva to do with Nashville?
- Plenty, says Tom Ascol.
Can you imagine such a nation?
- Chuck Baldwin can.
Churches need a great awakening
- And pastors must walk the point. Article
by Richard Strand.
Solus Christus, sola
- Dave Black calls for a Christian ethics
of politics.
An invitation to pastors
- Join the Black Regiment!
The state is not our Savior
- Neither is any king, be he George III or
George W.
Is the 'Neocon Christian Right' right?
- Of course not, says Dave Black.
The 501c3 heresy
- Not to worry. Peter Kershaw has the
Got a hang-up with 'The Passion'?
- So does Lee Justice.
great evangelical heresy
- Dave Black tries to explain.
The queer Christ
- Benjamin Cole on liberalism, lesbianism,
and theological education.
If Peterson is right, then our
Bibles are wrong
- A review of The Message.
Does truth matter?
- Rick Warren's church growth strategy.
Choose today whom you will serve
- The church must act, and must act now,
says Dave Black.
you vote your convictions this year?
- Jonathan Grubbs thinks so.
Dear President Peroutka
- That sounds sooooo good to Pastor
Steve Wilkins.
The new
conscience of conservative America
- The Constitution Party.
Nader and
- Throwing a counterpunch at the
establishment. Mark Dankof interviews Michael Peroutka.
Weapons of mass delusion
- Mitchell Flinchum says he knows where
they are.
Terror is not an enemy
- Though the Republicans think so. Article
by Michael Peroutka.
Reaping the tragic harvest
- William Shearer on the consequences of
Do you want to restore the
- This man can help.
Worth fighting for
- Now here's a platform!
Why not the GOP?
- Can we start with abortion?
Righteous anger
- Doug Bandow on the conservative case
against George W. Bush.
His face is set
- Michael Peroutka's courageous
Post-Constitutional America
- Joe Sobran shows how tyranny came to
The Ten Commandments and the Tenth Amendment
- The rule of law is not the rule of
judges, says Mike Scruggs.
Our corporate bribery system
- Dave Black on the latest election
Taking the swagger out
- We don't own culture; we serve it, says
John Piper.
Feeding sheep or amusing goats?
- Even C. H. Spurgeon saw what was wrong
with seeker-sensitivity.
- False and true.
Those unfit to rule
- It's time to show them the door, says
David Brownlow.
Whither America in 2004?
- It depends on the faithful few.
Christians oppose the state
- Dave Black on the proper role of civil government.
The travails of a lonely resister
- Lessons on statism from the life of
Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
Karl Barth and the
German church conflict
- When Christians say "No Compromise!"
Do we need a new Barmen Declaration?
- Or a least a Confessing Church?
The Sound of
Music and the Swastika
- What a musical taught me.
A fusion of delusion
- Paul Proctor on our misguided
Why I keep fighting for America
- Being good stewards of our God-given
The definition of insanity
- The lesser of two evils is still evil,
says Mary Starrett.
Putting principle over politics
- Chuck Baldwin on voting for a true
Before you vote for Bush
- Check out his record.
Origen and the Pauline authorship of Hebrews
- Dave Black on a famous mis-quotation.
Expiation or propitiation?
- Simon Kistemaker on the theology of
atonement in Hebrews.
The perseverance of the saints
- Hebrews 6:4-6 and apostasy. From the
classic commentary by Arthur W. Pink.
Hebrews 2:3-4 and the sign gifts
- Dan Wallace tackles a difficult passage.
Offended by the Super
Bowl half-time show?
- Dave Black has the solution - well,
A scandal greater than Watergate
- Eric Margolis on the Mother of All Lies.
Christian see - Christian do
- Paul Proctor thinks we should be a
little less purpose-driven.
- Or Republicanism?
1:1 and church leadership
- Dave Black on what the text says and
doesn't say.
Do elders rule?
- A closer look at Hebrews 13:7.
There's only one Senior Pastor
- And it's not us.
All are ministers
- Alexander Hay on the priesthood of all
Who are the elders, then and now?
- John Piper on Baptist leadership.
Where the buck
- The president could learn a lesson from
General Lee.
John Leland
- Baptist defender of liberty.
DC's gang of thugs
- Michael Peirce has a word or two for
The best
welfare reform?
Abolish it altogether.
What the NEA deserves
Not another penny.
George Edward Pickett
A biography.
The genesis of the Civil War
Lew Rockwell sets the record straight.
said, she said"
What really happened between Pickett and Lee
after the war?
Southern educators
And the myths they perpetuate. Article by
Dave Black.
"General, I have no division"
The fame of Pickett's charge.
Legalized theft
How government wastes our taxes on "freedom"
and "compassion."
The way back
Walter Williams on the legitimate role of
A word to pastors
Dave Black invites you to join
the Black Regiment.
Someone call the FDA!
Mad cow disease has invaded my church.
There is a time for war
But 2003 was not one.
Why Christians should not vote for Bush
Now this will get you thinking.
The New South and the frogs of Egypt
Robert Lewis Dabney on the (re)writing of
history. Article by Mike Scruggs.
Gone, and forgotten
The life of Robert Lewis Dabney.
If we need a rallying point in 2004
Let it be the U.S. Constitution, says Dave
Exactly which Constitution are you following?
The old one, or the new "secret"
In Bush we trust?
Dave Black on the presidential race, and who
he won't be voting for.
Another Republican disaster
The morning-after pill.
Can Bush get reelected?
How and where the president is vulnerable.
The day "Thomas Jonathan" became "Stonewall"
He may have been the war's most remarkable
A lament on the death of Stonewall Jackson
His life epitomized a victory that was not
to be.
Stonewall Jackson
Champion of black literacy.
Watching the State of the Union Address?
Dave Black has a revolutionary alternative.
Mountain Balderdash
Mike Scruggs says we're being propagandized
while entertained.
From "Granny Lee" to the greatest general ever
How God uses failure to shape His children.
General Lee's favorite books
A man who was saturated with biblical truth.
How tall
was Robert E. Lee?
The answer may surprise you.
birthday of Robert E. Lee
Why I celebrate it.
Judge Moore to be tried
- Supreme Court refuses to hear 10
Commandments appeal.
Lincoln and Liberia
- One truth about the 'Great Emancipator'
that can't be whitewashed.
Flag draped cover-up
- Why has Bush gone AWOL at funerals and
Think California's got fiscal problems?
- Take a good look at Virginia.
U.S. TV set for 'Jesus wife'
- My, what ABC is up to now. There's got
to be a
better way.
The James ossuary
- Where matters stand.
Is this where Jesus bathed?
- A 'sensational' discovery in Nazareth.
Lord of all, yet servant of all
- Martin Luther's On the Freedom of a
Christian Man. Happy
Reformation Day!
The real threat to religious
- Dave Black on Christians in politics.
Flying coffin?
- Episcopalians lay down the gauntlet.
No slack for
- A reader responds to one of my essays.
Wer bin ich?
- Reflections on the life and death of
Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
Think Halloween is scary?
- Wait till you read Patriot Act II.
Loving spiritual work
- John Broadus on growing weary in well
The painful truth
- Government schools are a failure.
A word
to sons
- Jeff Culbreath on what marriage is all
A naked Moses?
- Kelly Boggs says obscenity is in the eye
of the beholder.
Young Germans embracing Islam
- To Himmler's delight. Article by
Srdja Trifkovic.
Biblical or not?
- A closer look at invitations and altar
calls. Article by Carey Hardy.
Abusing Scripture, abusing God
- Dan Wallace on the evils of Scripture
That dirty word
- Nancy Wilson discusses wives'
Go Judge Brown!
- Finally a judge Dave Black can support.
Bush is no shoe-in
- John Derbyshire on the Republicans'
third-party peril.
The draft
- And a godly affection for our daughters.
Starvation stunts v. biblical
- Benjamin S. Cole on a forgotten
spiritual discipline.
No, Virginia
- America isn't a 'Christian nation.'
Close the gate!
- Lewis Goldberg on the real solution to
domestic terrorism.
A new or old song?
- Paul Proctor on the willow-creeking of
church music.
No more
- Dave Black says pastors must get serious
about teaching their flocks.
A republic, not an empire, pal
- Charley Reese opposes 'compulsory
Southeastern Seminary gets copy of Vaticanus
- One of only thirteen libraries to own
Taxation without representation
- Phyllis Schlafly says Iraq should pay
its own way.
Florida legislature passes bill
- Fight for
Terri's life continues.
The real math
- Churches should forget about numbers and
focus on God, says Joel Miller.
Legislating reverence for the flag
- Pieter Friedrich on the Flag Protection
Act of 1989.
Whose dark side?
- John Holzmann on CBS's homeschooling
Forcing pagans to uphold Christian virtue
- Dean May discusses the Federal Marriage
Revival or apostasy?
- Debbie O'Hara on the market-driven
War after
weary war
- Dave Black wonders how much longer
Wilsonian interventionism can continue.
Hey pal, can I borrow your
body armor?
- David Hackworth on the Pentagon's
criminal negligence.
Man's real need
- Self-accusation, not self-esteem.
The tragic end and the institutions
- J. Gresham Machen's classic response to
The challenge of the third millennium
- J. I. Packer on the desperate need for
biblical preaching.
The duty of a pastor
- Read John Owen's September 8, 1682
Confederates in the boardroom
- Order Mike Tuggle's new book on the
inefficiency of top-down bureaucracies.
To observe or not to observe?
- The dark side of Halloween.
- = RIP for the Bush doctrine, says Dave
The open theism debate
- An interview with Ronald Nash.
Death by starvation in Florida
- Dave Black calls upon all Christians to
speak out.
Homeland in-security
- Just when you thought it was safe....
How dare you!
- Justice Department critical of
Patriot Act critics.
- Hardly, says Dennis Campbell.
Is Jesus God or a god?
- Debate in Tampa to discuss deity of
Taking a stand in 2004
- Lee Shelton on constitutional
It all started with Roosevelt
- Richard Ebeling reviews Defend
America First.
'Unregulated system of education'
- Dan Rather wants homeschooling
When God jiggles your willer
- S. Lewis Johnson on efficacious grace.
Handing it over
- Daniel Pipes thinks its time to turn
power over to the Iraqis.
Who is the government?
- We are, says Lynn Stuter.
Anxious to leave Baghdad
- Memo from Paul Bremer to Condi.
Mel Gibson's the Passion
- Download the trailer here.
Roy Moore is coming to Pensacola
- Join Chuck Baldwin on
God and Country Day in Florida.
Simple, separate, sanctified
- Al Benson on cultural secession.
- Indian Catholics warned of upcoming
Government information
- Citizens are striking back in the
intelligence wars. Article from NewScientist.com.
CBS to broadcast slam on homeschooling
- Murders, suicides to be the focus.
McKinley and the
acquisition of the Philippines
- Dave Black says it's deja vu all
over again in Iraq.
George Washington he is not
- Bush has a problem of his own making.
Another century of war?
- Read the review by John Denson.
'The most wonderful work'
- And why it is ignored.
Which history do we teach?
- Michael Kelley on what Confederate
immigrants can teach us.
defining moment
Judge Moore is justified in his actions,
says Mark Harrington.
Fiscal feeding frenzy
- Lee Shelton on the high cost of
compassionate conservatism.
Driver's licenses for illegal aliens
- Phyllis Schlafly on pseudo-amnesty in
Mexifornia, et al.
Geopolitical backlash
- And the Iraqi debacle. From the American
Educating children about the Civil War
- It's our job as parents, says Dave
A quiet threat to homeschooling
- Multiculturalism being pushed by state.
The few, the proud
- And the unrewarded. Article by David
We're number one!
- Well, sort of.
Are you overweight?
- John Lavender on (spiritual) obesity.
Undistracting excellence
- John Piper on what unites us in worship.
Arnold not a conservative?
- No problem, says the GOP. Article by
Chuck Baldwin.
Let us prey
- Cults targeting campuses. From the
Guardian Limited.
Wildfires can be prevented
- But don't tell that to the feds.
Baptists on baptism
- Tom Tollett reviews The Baptism of
Disciples Alone.
Nobody's pretty pony
- The last days of Little Sorrel.
days for America
- Dave Black on the 2004 presidential
Earnestness in repentance
- The daily prayers of John Bradford.
Quick and sob-free
- Hamburg's hubby day care.
Lied into war
- Pieter Friedrich says it's happened
Recovering a lost art
- The benefits of reciting Scripture from
A man ahead of his time
- Robert Dabney on the problem with 'free
schools.' From
Little Geneva.
supper or snack?
- Steve Atkerson on the church's weekly
White House stonewalling again
- It's time to come clean about 9/11, says
New York Times.
I agree.
Jonathan Edwards
- An appreciation.
Pastor to flock: Get serious!
- Or get out.
Army needs more combat soldiers
- Not another exodus-sized mass of camp
Submission to proper authority
- Chuck Baldwin on Christian resistance
and power-mad potentates.
Does God know all future events exhaustively?
- A refutation of open theism.
for freedom
- Our physical afflictions will one day be
Fulfilled in Jesus
- Gannon Murphy on the major Messianic
prophecies in the Old Testament.
They're back
- The leo-cons, that is.
Are we right?
- Dave Black on getting rid of the clutter
in our lives.
The new Pillsbury Doughboy
- God.
Not worried about the Patriot Act?
- You should be.
Letter to Bill
- Greg Settles defines good and evil.
Phil Veritas asks, why stop there?
Oregon is full of them.
The world's fastest growing religious movement
Azusa Street was nickel and dime stuff in
Wild and wacky
Yippee! It's the prosperity gospel!
Our two party system
It's been weighed in the balance and found
Thinking outside the box
Americans are trapped by tradition, says
Dorothy Anne Seese.
Declare your independence!
Chuck Baldwin on our two party death grip.
Unbiblical church
It's time to forsake them, says Dave Black.
Principle before party
Under Republican rule, God is being removed
from America.
What happens when the church is not free?
The Word of God is muzzled.
Immigration madness
Learning a lesson from the Swiss.
And ye shall be saved.
Our new cultural icon
The American Jesus.
The age integrated church
If the family comes first, why not keep it
Want to reform your youth ministry?
Reject adolescence, says Dave Black.
When the cure becomes the
A biblical critique of youth ministries.
Hope Chapel's philosophy of age integration
How and why to integrate the ages.
Family-based youth ministry
Overcoming the generation gap.
What Easter teaches us
Why Christianity Lite won't get the job
Easter every Sunday
Restoring a resurrection focus in worship.
Anabaptists and the First Amendment
Dave Black on America's free church
The First Amendment
A panoramic history. Essay by James
Internet gatekeepers?
It's not a pleasant sight.
Lost, but recoverable
Church discipline, that is.
Back to the Bible and the Constitution!
It's time to move from words to action, says
Dave Black.
The coming underground church?
Why the secular state hates genuine
Never in January
Noel Piper on reading through the Bible.
Cleanliness is next to impossible
Why Christians must get down and dirty in
the culture wars.
Where are the pastors?
Copping out, says Chuck Baldwin.
Church, state
And the separation illusion.
Our problem isn't dead orthodoxy
It's live heteropraxy, says Jim Elliff.
a time of extraordinary need
God has been known to do an extraordinary
Robertson's prison
A review of Norman Robertson's Tithing -
God's Financial Plan.
How's your hekastology?
Dave Black on a forgotten New Testament
Walking without slipping
- One pastor's thoughts on local church
Beyond McChurch
- What to do when church becomes a
parachurch organization.
to the Constitution!
- A personal word from the editor on the
anniversary of DBO.
Keeping Christ in Christianity
- A pastor writes to his congregation at
Want to reach
- They don't exist, says Dave Black.
Message to Creekers
- Let's be sensitive to the real Seeker.
Machen was right about the Gulf War
- A New Testament scholar speaks out on
American foreign policy.
The sheep judge their shepherds
- Combating false doctrine in the church.
The Church in a post-Christian age
- The rise of new-age globalism, and what
we can do about it.
The role of pastors in reforming a nation
- A pastor appeals to the Zambian
When Christians disagree
- What a meeting at a Marburg castle can
teach us.
Helping the poor
- Without feeding the beast.
I'm not OK
- Then again, neither are you.
Are our wars really just?
- Or just an excuse for nation building?
The one and
only "Senior Pastor"
- Dave Black on the praise of men versus
the glory of God.
The submissive man
Leaders must learn how to follow, says
Philip Lancaster.
"My name is John, and I'm an alcoholic"
What preachers can learn from AA.
He isn't stupid
How Saddam's trial will be a nightmare
for Bush & Co.
Saddam is a mere shadow
Getting out is the real issue.
A liberated Iraq?
Harry Browne says "Give me a break!"
Those lonely,
forgotten words
"This do ye in remembrance of Me" is
hardly a reference to Christmas, says Dave Black.
A new T.U.L.I.P?
Mike Scruggs on the five points of
Pattern + precept = practice
Apostolic tradition is as binding as
apostolic teaching, says Steve Atkerson.
The heart of the matter
The forgotten commands.
Authority and ministry in the local church
Rudy Ray says it doesn't include a "head
Church leadership in
Philippians 1:1
Dave Black on what Paul says, and what
he doesn't.
Do churches exist to evangelize non-Christians?
Riddelbarger says Warren has it exactly
Unbelieving "born-agains"
Rampant unbelief among people who have
"accepted Christ."
The age-old problem
Cheap grace.
Here we go again
The "mistakes" of war are costing us our
credibility, says Dave Black.
"Free in Christ"
What Christian liberty is, and isn't.
Blab it and grab it
John Green says there are no shortcuts
in Christian living.
The Right Reverend Senior Pastor, M.Div., D. Min.
Oops, did I forget something?
Digging a hole in goodness
Augustine on evil.
Bush is "a
great watchdog for the taxpayers' money"
And I'm a multi-millionaire with a villa
in Monaco, says Dave Black.
A.k.a. oppressive tolerance.
What fashionable Christianity is
Origins of the specious
John W. Montgomery on the descent of
When men play tyrants
People are far too trusting of
government becomes God
Dave Black on the insatiable messianic
impulse of the state.
The new evangelical worldliness
The term "evangelical" has been
co-opted, says Joseph Braswell.
What's wrong with "user-friendly" churches?
Civilian deaths and the just use of force
Avoiding the death of innocents is the
moral duty of every government, says Dave Black.
The real party of big government
Ron Paul on the dangers of
"compassionate conservatism."
The glory of God, or of mom and dad?
Children are not being adequately
parented, says Gary Hendrix.
The habit of thankfulness
John Broadus on a forgotten art.
Should young ladies go to college?
Carmon Friedrich on the biblical role of
women, and men.
Academic day care
What Gary North would do if he were 25
all over again.
Our fat religious
Christianity has lost its cutting edge,
says Dave Black.
When the bride is the groom
Greg Koukl on natural law and same-sex
Our theologian-in-chief
Evangelicals give the president a pass,
Gaining majority status
- While losing the republic.
Patriot Act type powers to punish political dissenters
- The IRS can ignore normal procedures,
says Robert R. Raymond.
New law only encourages abortion
- Jim Rudd on the lies being spread by
Our two-party folly
- American voters are certifiably insane,
writes Keith Brumley.
church and politics
- Dave Black on the theory that backfired.
Widening the gate to the kingdom
- Berit Kjos on Rick Warren's The
Purpose-Driven Life.
2003 in review
- Paul Proctor takes a look back.
When the Americans leave
- The future of Iraq after the war.
Americans face Joshua's choice
- Dave Black on fighting the culture wars
with spiritual weapons.
Prayer makes history
- David Brainerd's lifetime of holy
Limited government
- Very, very limited.
Popular culture
- Is it either?
God does not repent
- Like a man, that is.
It's nobody's fault but our own
- Dave Black on how far we have fallen.
Could it happen in America?
- Irwin Lutzer on "cross-twisting."
- ...and counting.
Why we don't speak up
- We're cowards, says Paul Walter.
On the
right to civil disobedience
- Dave Black quotes from Calvin's
Calling fellow
Christians back to the truth
- Debbie O'Hara on taking the nation back
from the secularists.
The most proactive thing you can do
- Stand for truth. Essay by Lewis
The ideal of a just society
- 10 Commandments monument can stand - in
Let the state be the state
- Dave Black on the prophetic function of
the church.
The problem with seeker-sensitivity
- Apart from being unbiblical, that is.
Article by R.C. Sproul.
The gravest question
- Tom Ascol on the pastoral implications
of open theism.
president betrays the pro-family agenda again
- But does anyone care? How does
Putting 'defense' back into our defense policy
- Read the review of Ivan Eland's latest
The right to religious freedom
- Health Department goes after Amish in
It's time to turn back 40 years of judicial tyranny
- Judge Moore is
defending the
Constitution and deserves our support.
Name dropping?
- Episcopal school weighing change.
Why we are losing the peace in Iraq
- David Pyne on what has gone wrong, and
what to do about it.
Pro-lifers take 'concrete' steps against abortion
- Austin builders boycotting abortatoria.
If I ever accept an invitation to the White House
- Trash my columns, says Dave Black.
Who's really guilty?
- David Brownlow on the partial-birth
abortion ban scam.
Moore's trial to begin Wednesday
- Supporters to seek acquittal.
Pro-life fantasy
- The law says, 'Thou shalt not murder,'
not, 'Thou shalt regulate murder,' says Jim Rudd.
republic, not a democracy
- Dave Black says viva la difference!
The Iraqi resistance
- And those who underestimated it.
Poor little fools
- Chuck Baldwin is tired of being a little
guy (well, sort of).
Bush is no hero of the pro-life movement
- Ban on partial-birth abortion is a
pyrrhic victory at best, says Dave Black.
It's a lie!
- Moralism, that is.
Christianity for dummies
- Gene Veith on stupid church tricks.
man who stood alone
- Dave Black on the courage of Robert
Byrd. Read his Senate speech
Why the draft won't fly
- It's immoral, says Kyle Williams.
Ron Paul agrees.
RU 486 kills teenager
- Yet
'conservatives' remain silent.
Shooting rampages
Why our teenagers are out of control.
Thunderous roar
- Judge Moore vows to continue fight.
freedom to rid the world of evil
- Interview with James Bovard, author of
Terrorism and Tyranny.
He knew how to package it
- J.S.B., who else?
Message to Supreme Court
- The Creator, not Judge Moore, wrote the
10 Commandments.
Conflicts within and without
- Dave Black says the war has put
Christianity on trial.
The new inquisition
- Walter Cronkite on the Patriot Act.
Drafting women?
- How the ERA can be stopped. Article by
Phyllis Schlafly.
Brave 'new' schools
- Ashley Anderson says there's nothing new
about compromise.