restoring our biblical and constitutional foundations


My Life Story: Introduction

Becky Lynn Black  

It’s not everyday that an ordinary person writes an autobiography. The chapters that follow have come from my own typing. I suppose that people write about themselves for different reasons. My own desire to write came not too long after my diagnosis with an aggressive uterine cancer. I was not expected to live long, and there was an urge to do as much as I could to impact the world for Christ and His Kingdom.

At the beginning of our Cancer Journey, my husband Dave and I decided to live according to Truth and Transparency. We would embrace all truth (both physical and spiritual), and we would be transparent. The Truth was to help us; the Transparency was to help others.

God has blessed this orientation and commitment. Though we have gotten an occasional email criticizing us for something, in general the response from people has been appreciative and supportive.

And so, I begin this autobiography with the same focus: to tell the truth to the best of my ability, and to be transparent with you.

My goal is simple: that Jesus Christ be lifted up, so that He can draw men and women to Himself, and so that He can generate holiness in their lives.

My life has not been perfect. Is there such a life? I will not pretend that it has been. It has been blessed in many ways, but it has also been touched by sin, as all lives are. You will encounter both the blessings and the sin.

My hope is that, in these chapters, you will see a God who knows, who loves, and who redeems our lives from destruction. If there is anything good that you see in these pages, or that comes to your life through these pages, all praise goes to Him who has known me, loved me, and redeemed my life from destruction.

August 25, 2013

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